
Sussex Collaborative Partnership

Business & Technology Expertise

Trig Point Consulting’s Director and Lead Consultant, Richard Betts joined the Sussex Collaborative adding his expertise in technology and communications to the group of specialist business consultants.

The Sussex Collaborative is a select group of accomplished business professionals with proven hands on experience in their specialist fields including Strategic Business Growth, Legal Counsel, PR, HR, Finance and Leadership Development.

Nicky Macfarlane one of the founding members said, “We are all delighted to be able to collaborate with Rich and benefit from his expertise, whilst supporting our clients across all aspects of their businesses”.

The services available through the Collaborative include a full range of support for all your business growth and development requirements. There are a range of resources available via the website including a series of Bitesize videos which include managing business transformation, navigating a crisis, long and short term strategic reviews, developing a CRM strategy, leadership development or employee engagement and Employment Law guidance.    To keep up to date with news about The Sussex Collaborative news, you can sign up to their monthly newsletter.

The addition of Richard to the team brings his extensive experience of Technology and Communications into the group, further strengthening their portfolio.

Technology has become a key business enabler for organisations seeking strategic change or simply overcoming a challenge.  A great example is the role technology played in supporting how organisations responded to the pandemic by rapidly shifting the workforce into their homes to ensure availability of business operations.

Business transformation through Technology is also driving competitive advantage in the modern workplace and a service Richard is passionate about delivering for his clients.  With the smart deployment of technology like ecommerce and artificial intelligence (AI) revolutionising the online customer experience, this is driving business performance and ultimately survival of the business in some cases.

Richard is very excited about the future partnership and stated “I am very honoured and thrilled to become a member of The Sussex Collaborative.  Being part of the team will allow us to offer clients a truly impartial holistic insight which is commercially viable and will add huge value to many organisations”.

For more information about how we can help your business please email or call +44 20 3855 6325.